Promises to "fix bus services for communities" were made when top Labour faces joined its candidate on the campaign trail in Darwen.

Candidate for Rossendale and Darwen, Andy MacNae, was joined by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and shadow transport secretary Louise Haigh as campaigning continues ahead of the July 4 General Election.

Mr MacNae pledged to improve public transport, setting out a five point plan for improving local bus services. He is aiming to unseat incumbent Conservative Jake Berry.

He said if Labour wins the general election it will empower transport authorities and reform their funding, allow communities to take back control of their buses, accelerate bus franchising, safeguard bus networks, and support public ownership.

Mr MacNae said his is focused on improving links between the village communities dotted around the constituency.

He said: “Buses really matter here in Rossendale and Darwen.

"They connect our communities, they give people a quality of life and access to education and work that they really need, and yet people feel cut off nowadays.

"Labour’s bus policy will put buses back into public control, recognising they should be a public service and not a business.

"We will return the control of bus services to the communities they serve, ensuring routes prioritise people over profit.”

Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, said: “We are already seeing the benefits of this policy in Greater Manchester, as the first to put buses back under public control after 40 years of disastrous Tory deregulation.

As Andy looks to reform buses as the local MP, we can work together on this shared project.”

Louise Haigh, Shadow Secretary of State for Transport, added: "It’s been fantastic to visit Darwen and make the case for Labour’s bus policy, taking back control of our buses after decades of deregulation.

"Labour’s bus policy will allow every community, including Rossendale and Darwen, the opportunity to take back control, so that we can build a public transport network that we can be proud of and that we really deserve."

Confirmed candidates for Rossendale and Darwen: Jake Berry, Conservative, Andy MacNae, Labour; Rowan Fitton, Liberal Democrats; Daniel Matchett, Reform UK, Bob Bauld, Green Party.