Blackburn's Workers Party of Britain candidate Craig Murray has received the backing of the Palestinian foreign ministry for his Gaza-focused General Election campaign.

A statement signed by Amaar Hijazi, deputy foreign minister of Palestine, says: “Craig Murray has been for decades an important international voice for Palestine.

"I have seen him in action at the United Nations and the International Court of Justice.

"He is a friend to all Palestinians.”

Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Mr Murray was in the International Court of Justice at The Hague for the hearing in the South Africa versus Israel case alleging genocide alongside the Palestinian delegation.

The 65-year-old's campaign launch earlier this month saw him joined by party leader George Galloway in Blackburn.

As well as from Palestine, there have also been celebrity endorsements for Mr Murray.

Lowkey, a rapper, said: “Craig Murray has the inherent decency of a true public servant.

"He has fought Zionism for longer than I can remember and is an intrepid and courageous journalist.

"Blackburn would be very fortunate to have his representation in Parliament.”

Pink Floyd founder and activist Roger Waters said: “We are in an existential battle for the human soul.

"Vote for human rights; vote for Craig Murray.”

Mr Murray, who unsuccessfully challenged then Blackburn Labour MP and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw as an Independent candidate in 2005, has also been endorsed by the wife of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Stella Assange said: "Craig Murray has been a loyal friend and constant support for our family. His advocacy is invaluable to victims of injustice everywhere.”

Mr Murray said of the Gaza conflict between Israel and Hamas: “A genocide is happening, children are dying in their tens of thousands and we must all work to stop it.

“Gaza has exposed the corruption of our so-called democratic processes and the inability of the people to control the political class”.

Away from Gaza, policies of the Workers Party of Britain include nationalisation of electricity, gas and water companies as well as free university tuition fees.

The full list of candidates expected to stand in Blackburn is: Kate Hollern, Labour; Jamie McGowan, Conservatives; Adam Waller-Slack, Liberal Democrats; Craig Murray, Workers Party; Adnan Hussain, Independent; Altaf 'Tiger' Patel, Independent; Natasha Shah, Independent; Denise Morgan, Green Party; Tommy Temperley, Reform UK.