A gate has been installed at a park in Darwen, weeks after an ‘illegal encampment’ was set up in the area.

Around two weeks ago an ‘unauthorised encampment’ was set up on private land south of Whitehall Park.

Now a gate has been installed to “prevent unauthorised heavy vehicles accessing the park.”

At the time, a temporary stop notice was served to the landowners who “confirmed to the council that a planning application is to be submitted to regularise the works”.

The local authority said it had notified all relevant public bodies, including the Environment Agency to check whether a permit has been granted, Natural England and Lancashire Constabulary’s Wildlife Crime Officer, ‘to investigate any damage to protected habitats’.

A Council spokesperson said: “This gate has been installed to prevent unauthorised heavy vehicles from accessing the park as this can cause damage.

"If anyone believes they have vehicle access rights through the park, they should write to bwd.property@blackburn.gov.uk in the first instance.

“We are expecting a planning application for this development and the applicant will need to demonstrate suitable access arrangements within this.”