Language matters but then again it does not, when it comes to friendship.

Recently, I met up with two elderly gentlemen from Blackburn, Mike Falcon and Mohammed Nawaz, who had become great friends despite not being able to really communicate.

Their friendship has been shared across the world with people commending the town of Blackburn.

Blackburn neighbours 'melt hearts' of millions worldwide on TikTok

It was a reminder that you just need to put the effort in if you really want to be friends with someone.

I am all for encouraging people to learn the language but when you are of a certain age I guess it does not matter.

I am sure there are many neighbours who have developed similar friendships over the years. I know full well this was very common in the streets I grew up on in the 70s and 80s.

The manner in which Mike and Mohammed spoke to one another was reminiscent of the neighbours I had. While my father could speak English well enough to get by, my mother could not.

Yet, she was best friends with the elderly lady next door and another across the road. In fact, one neighbour would sit for hours in our home puffing away on her favourite cigarettes conversing with my mother. My mother would pick up certain words and also replied as and when she could.

It could be comical and funny sometimes as conversations were lost in translation but it was extremely endearing to see.

It was the same with another housebound neighbour nearby who was almost like a second aunt to us growing up.

If you are nice to people then they will be nice back to you. Or we can moan about how everyone is different and things have gone downhill.

Some would say as that generation has dwindled, as has our patience to look beyond cultures and backgrounds.

In recent years we have become more concerned with wanting to alienate others. The person shouting the loudest and making insane accusations about minorities is splattered on the front pages like some ‘hero’.

If we went by what was being said in the comments sections of websites, on social media and talk shows we would think the country was full of rage and about to implode at any given moment.

The reality is a lot different. The reality is there are lots of Mikes and Mohammeds across neighbourhoods.

And a good job too.