Young people from across Lancashire travelled to Borwick Hall for a three-day holiday led by the Bishop of Blackburn, Rt Rev Philip North. 

During the holiday the young people participated in a wide-range of activities including games, canoeing, kayaking and archery.

There was also quiet prayer time; Bible study time; a music gig and a quiz night. 

Parents and families were invited to a closing Eucharist led by Bishop Philip, followed by a picnic.

Bishop Philip thanked people from across the Diocese for supporting the event.

He said: "The young people’s holiday is now in its fourth year and grows annually, attracting participants from every church tradition.

"It is a wonderful experience for young people to discover their gifts; grow friendships with each other and enjoy being together.

"Above all on this kind of holiday, young people can explore faith and grow in the love for Jesus Christ.

"This year under the title ‘All In’ we followed the story of St Peter and explored how he got things right and got things wrong, but did everything for Jesus Christ.

"We had the most amazing group of leaders from across the diocese and their dedication to the task and their love for a very diverse group of young people was inspiring.

"I am massively grateful to those who enabled the holiday to happen, especially the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese.

"Not only did they offer generous financial sponsorship but their members turned up to provide tea and cake for 250 people at the concluding Eucharist.

"I am also grateful to the people of St Mary’s,  Borwick for allowing them to use their church.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Bishop Philip (below) speaking during the family Eucharist held at the end of the three days.

Lancashire Telegraph:

Diocesan Director of Education, Iain Parks added: "Watching the bonds of fellowship deepen between the young people, their courage flourish and their passion for the Lord ignite has been a complete joy.

"Moments like these reaffirm that the future of our diocese rests on a firm foundation - the unshakable faith of our youth."