Residents have furiously opposed plans for the creation of a battery storage facility in East Lancashire.

An application for a battery storage facility was submitted to Pendle Council in March, with the proposed location being in Greenhead Lane, Reedley, north of Spurn Clough Cottage.

If successful, the site would contain 10 liquid-cooled battery unit blocks measuring roughly 2.6 metres tall, 9.3 metres long and 1.7 metres wide, with the plans put forward by Moor Isles Energy Storage Ltd, a renewable energy company.

The site would also include two power conversion units, and three other containers, housed in a 3.5 metre tall fence, plus a separate fenced-off substation, control room, CCTV column, a gravel access track and new woodland, hedgerow and grassland planting.

The application states, if successful, the site would be used for energy storage to supplement the national grid for 40 years, after which the site would be restored.

It says the site would help the grid operate in "a cleaner, more efficient and cost-effective way".

Plans state: "It would store electricity when there is an excess of renewable generation and would export this electricity back to the grid when there is a decrease in renewable energy generation and a requirement for power on the system."

The site is located in farmland near existing overhead power lines and pylons, surrounded by farmland and less than a kilometre away from the M65, with the nearest village - Fence - around 500 metres away, with vegetation and topography meaning the site is not visible from there.

The plans add that battery storage saved 615,000 tonnes of carbon emissions in the UK alone in 2022, the equivalent of taking 370,000 cars off the roads or planting 28 million trees.

They add that as the shift continues to using more renewable energy, battery units can store excess electricity and reintroduce it to the network at times of high demand or low production, helping the country towards its 'Net Zero' aspirations.

The application concludes it meets the special circumstances to develop on the green belt as it provides energy security, will have wider environmental benefits, and there are no suitable non-green belt sites that could be used.

However, many residents have opposed the plans, with 25 objections submitted, many of which focus on the loss of green belt land.

One resident said: "[I] Wholly object to this scheme given the site will be dangerous to the public and environment.

"The risk of a site of this nature alongside a significant gas main is unnecessary and surely there are more appropriate sites."

Another added: "A development such has this would both negatively impact the setting and special character of Fence, but also encroach on the countryside adjacent to the village and nearby historic properties.

"On previously undeveloped land, the size and visual impact of the proposed development would be harmful to the greenbelt and will have significant impact on the openness of the area."

Reedley Hallows Parish Council objected, calling the plan "totally inappropriate", while Lancashire Badger Group said it had concerns a badger sett was close to the location.

However, Natural England was consulted and raised no objection to the plans.

Other members of the public raised fears about potential fires at the site.

One person said: "Lithium-ion batteries, whilst useful, and are required to improve energy grid, pose a considerable fire, environmental and safety risk.

"It is my opinion that this construction in green belt land is unnecessary, considering that there are more sites that may be more viable i.e. away from the green belt."

The fire service was consulted and has not objected to the plans.

A committee report states a decision on the plan will be delegated to the Assistant Director Planning, Building Control and Regulatory Services, but "there are no material reasons to object to the application" albeit with 17 conditions including lighting, drainage, noise, and more.

A decision on the plans is due to be made in the coming days.