One of Blackburn oldest mosques has launched an appeal for windows as the new structure takes shape.

The Masjid-e-Rizwan on Newton Street is being re-built by the Kokni Muslim Association who are extending the building near to the Lidl store off Furthergate

The estimated cost of the renovations is said to be around £1.2 million and is being funded by private donations. The new larger mosque will accommodate 450 worshippers.

In recent years volunteers have been organising a range of charity events to raise funds.

An appeal for windows has been launched to raise £125,000. The mosque had managed to raise £75,000 and are appealing for donations of £250 to help them reach their target.

Lancashire Telegraph: The Masjid-e-Rizwan on Newton Street is being re-built by the Kokni Muslim Association

A mosque spokesperson said: “Volunteers have been working hard for a number of years so the mosque extension can take place.

“Work has continued at the site the new development is taking shape.

“We have now launched an appeal to raise funds for one of the most expensive aspects of any building – the windows.

“We do hope the wider community can donate towards this worthwhile project.”

The mosque is one of the oldest in the town.

Rizwan Hall was used for functions such as weddings through the 1970s and the 80s by first generation immigrants who settled in Blackburn and Darwen.

To find more about the appeal you can click here