Applications have opened for new round of grants to help residents of an East Lancashire borough with the cost of living.

The government has extended its Household Support Fund (HSF) until September.

Now Blackburn with Darwen Council has launched its application process for cash help over the summer.

It has delivered the HSF since October 2021 in partnership with voluntary, community and faith sector partner organisations to get the vital support to those who need it.

It offers help for fuel payments, food parcels, boiler servicing, home insulation and items such as fridges and cookers that may need replacing.

People can apply if they live in Blackburn or Darwen even if they are in full or part time work.

Applicants don’t have to be claiming benefits.

Once the receives and application form it will be referred on to the most relevant partner organisation who will contact the applicant and talk through what support may be available.

Cllr Phil Riley, the leader of Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: "We lobbied the Government very hard for the extension of the HSF along with charities and voluntary organisations, and this extension until September is welcome, although we do hope that it will be extended beyond this as we know the need for this help will not end when the HSF ends.

"Continuing this funding is vital for our residents who are most vulnerable and have the lowest incomes, and those are affected by the continuing rise in the cost of living.

“People can still apply for the current phase of funding until September, and we are also asking people to help out any family or friends, who might be eligible for the Household Support Scheme, with their online application if they are not confident with doing this online.”

The online application is accessible at the Blackburn with Darwen Council website.

For other help via the government, go to