Two new blocks of job-creating industrial units are to be built on scrubland on the outskirts of Blackburn town centre.

The modern-looking single-storey brick buildings in Gladstone Street are aimed at local companies.

Each will contain six units to boost the regeneration of the surrounding area.

Leyland-based Arif Roker has been granted planning permission with 21 conditions build the complex by Blackburn with Darwen Council.

It allows him to develop two blocks each with six industrial units with new off-road car parking, landscaping, the upgrading of existing vehicular access and a new pedestrian access.

Lancashire Telegraph: Drawings of how the units will lookDrawings of how the units will look

Supporting statements submitted with Mr Roker's May 2021 planning application for land at the former Greenbank Works say: "The site is located on a vacant plot of land to the east of Blackburn town centre and 1.5 miles from the M65.

"It benefits from excellent accessibility with links to both Preston and Manchester, along with opportunities to access the site via sustainable modes of transport, including bus stops on Gorse Street and the Blackburn train station.

"The site is currently a vacant piece of scrub land off Gladstone Street. Access can be provided directly off Gladstone Street.

"The proposed development seeks to provide two new units for mainly local companies. The buildings will be one storey.

"Low-level shrubs and landscaping will be provided along the perimeter boundary.

"Car parking will be provided with 38 parking bays, four of which will be disabled bays.

"The proposal is of similar size to the existing buildings adjacent and opposite. The height of the proposed building is similar to the existing structures.

"A scheme of this scale will provide a sense of coherence in the street scene.

"The potential occupiers will provide employment for local people and will continue to do so as it grows.

"The re-development of this site provides a great opportunity to enhance and improve this area of Blackburn.

"The design has produced distinctive styles for the new units.

"In respect of materials a number of common threads have been identified, these include predominance in the use of brickwork.

"The design and appearance of the proposed development adopt features taken from the existing properties in the immediate locality to bring a modern look.

"The proposed single-storey units have been designed to ensure the impact on the adjoining/adjacent properties is minimised and contribute to the regeneration of Gladstone Street."