Councillors have issued a statement after playground signs, designed by children, have been torn down.

Colne Town Council ran its design a sign competition earlier this year, where primary school children were asked to design signs that would be displayed across parks and play areas in the town.

The winning designs asked everyone to keep parks and play areas free from graffiti and anti-social behaviour.

According to Colne Town Council, the signs were torn down “within a matter of hours” of being installed.

One has gone completely missing with others bent and smeared with dirt.

The signs are now set to be replaced, which will cost both time and money.

Lancashire Telegraph: Signs torn down in Colne playgroundSigns torn down in Colne playground (Image: Colne Town Council)The council is urging members of the public to respect playgrounds and understand that vandalism is unacceptable.

A spokesperson for Colne Town Council said: “So you may remember a little while back we ran a design a sign competition where local school children came up with some fabulous designs for our local playgrounds.

“Winners were chosen and their designs were brought to life and have just been installed around the playgrounds in Colne.

“Unbelievably, within a matter of hours a number of these beautiful metal signs designed by local children have been torn down with one completely missing.

"Others have been bent and smeared with dirt.

Lancashire Telegraph: Signs torn down in Colne playgroundSigns torn down in Colne playground (Image: Colne Town Council)

“This is absolutely shocking and saddening. Ironically, the signs were asking people to keep playgrounds safe, clean, and tidy spaces for everyone to enjoy.

“We are now having to replace these signs which all come at a cost, both in time and money.

“Please, please, please can we pass on the message to anyone using these playgrounds that they must be looked after and that vandalism is unacceptable.”