A free exhibition which celebrates 10 years of the Adidas SPZL range has opened in Darwen.

At a special preview on Thursday night, invited guests got the chance the view the iconic trainers and the journey of lifelong fan and proud Darrener Gary Aspden who created the SPZL concept for Adidas back in 2014.

People from across the county descended on Darwen to be one of the first to view the footwear. The exhibition features everything from posters, caps and embroidered patches with the distinctive Adidas trainers.

Over the past 10 years the SPZL range has released a number of products that give nods to the Blackburn with Darwen area, from the Feniscowles jacket to the Intack SPZL trainers and the Sudell tracksuit.

Lancashire Telegraph: A free exhibition which celebrates 10 years of the Adidas Spezial range has opened in Darwen.

The free exhibition ‘DECADE – 10 years of Adidas SPZL’ will run for 10 days in Market Street.

It will take residency in an empty shop space recently leased by Blackburn with Darwen Council as part of its £120m regeneration plans for the town.

During the past 10 years Gary has hosted a number of high-profile events featuring Liam Gallagher, Dynamo the Magician and Shaun Ryder.

Lancashire Telegraph: A free exhibition which celebrates 10 years of the Adidas Spezial range has opened in Darwen.

These have helped to raise vital funds for local homelessness charity, Nightsafe – a charity Gary is passionate about and has supported for many years.
Ahead of the exhibition, Gary said: “Blackburn with Darwen is regarded as the birthplace of SPZL– graphic designer Gary Watson who works on the range with me is also based here – so it feels appropriate to celebrate its 10th anniversary here in my hometown.

“I have a connection to Darwen that I find difficult to explain or verbalise.

“When I’m creating SPZL collections, I often draw on my personal experiences in my youth as a source of inspiration.

“Darwen and Blackburn – where my mum is from – in many ways have made me into the person I am.

“I like to celebrate the area and I’ve often used locally relevant names for Adidas SPZL products.

“I suppose by hosting this new exhibition here in Darwen, it’s my way of saying thank you.”