An elderly woman called police when her son turned up outside her home in a drunken state, shouting and banging.

Blackburn magistrates heard when officers approached David Hargreaves he became aggressive and told one he was going to “bite his nose off.”

Hargreaves, 46, of Woodlea Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly.

He was fined £40 which was set against the two days he had spent in custody since the offence.

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, said police received a late evening call from an elderly female saying a young man, who she believed was her son, was outside her home banging and shouting.

“When police arrived he told them it was his mum and he just wanted to check she was alright,” said Miss Mills.

“They explained his mother had called them and didn’t want him there.

“He was told to leave but refused and made a comment about biting the officer’s nose off.”

District Judge Alexandra Preston told Hargreaves he should not attend his mother’s address drunk.

“You should be more respectful towards your mother,” she said.