Lancashire Constabulary is joining every police force in the UK to launch the Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service.

The new line, run by Crimestoppers, was launched today, Thursday (March 14).

Since 2022, forces have been working closely with the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, and Crimestoppers to develop the national reporting service and make sure it’s available for all communities.

The service provides an anonymous and confidential route for the public to report concerns, online or via a dedicated phone line, about serving police officers, staff, and volunteers, who are suspected of being corrupt or committing serious abuse.

The reports will be taken by Crimestoppers before being passed onto the Anti-Corruption Unit for further assessment.

The information may then be passed to specialist detectives to begin an investigation, take steps to safeguard someone at risk or in danger, or record the information to inform future investigations.

The service sits alongside our existing complaints procedure for the public and will only deal with reports of corruption and serious abuse.

This may include, but is not limited to those who:

  • Provide information or influence in return for money or favours.
  • Use their policing position for personal advantage - whether financial or otherwise.
  • Cross professional boundaries or abuse their position for sexual purposes.
  • Abuse or control their partner, or those they have a relationship with.
  • Engage in racist, homophobic, misogynistic or disablist conduct, on or off duty, in person or online.

Chief Constable Sacha Hatchett, of Lancashire Police, said: “We know that the vast majority of our colleagues are professional, committed and passionate about safeguarding communities.

“That’s why we are united in our shared determination to rid policing of those who fall below the high standards we expect of each other, and that the public rightly expects and deserves.

“The Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service will help us to operate with the trust and confidence of the public by providing a route to report wrongdoing, independent of policing.

“Please be assured that all reports will be thoroughly assessed by our Anti-Corruption Unit here in Lancashire, and where appropriate, a full investigation will take place to collect information and evidence to ensure that the right action is taken.

"Of course, where we find evidence of deliberate malicious reporting, we would take action against those doing so.”

Andrew Snowden, police and crime commissioner for Lancashire, added: "Public confidence in police has been understandably damaged by some truly shocking cases nationally, and I hope this helpline, together with a raft or other actions and reforms, will give people confidence to challenge behaviours and help us to help root out any officer not fit to serve.

"Here in Lancashire, as across the country, we expect our officers to be the best of us, and respect the law that we entrust them to uphold.

"Whilst the overwhelming majority of police officers and staff maintain these high standards, passionately taking the fight to criminals and keeping people safe, it's absolutely right that we take whatever steps we can to remove corruption, criminality, or abuse of power wherever it's found."

To make a report using the new line, call 0800 085 0000 or visit