The kind hearted gesture of a young football fan who found a £5 note at a stadium and returned it, is the inspiration behind a new sci-fi sports story.

Adam Bhana, whose dad, Mo grew up in Preston, was at the John Smith's Stadium to see the Huddersfield Town's 2-1 victory over Manchester United back in October 2017.

The youngster found a £5 note at the football ground, and having been taught 'we cannot keep what is not ours,' he thought of the perfect recipient.

In a heart-warming letter written in pencil to former club director Sean Jarvis, Adam suggested the former manager David Wagner give the cash to Australian international, Aaron Mooy, who scored the winner as Town won 2-1, the first time the club had beaten Manchester United in 65 years.

Adam enclosed the £5 note along with his letter.

Mr Jarvis tweeted a picture of the letter with the caption: “Pure class from Young Adam,” thus ensuring international headlines.

Midfielder Mooy himself would also later reply to the tweet, saying: "I would love to meet you, Adam."

Adam got to meet his hero and was given a signed football along with a signed pair of football boots by the Australian international.

Inspired by his son's actions seven years ago, his dad Mohammed (Mo) Bhana has turned the story into a new book, which sees Adam turn into a superhero.

In the story the £5 note is returned to the youngster, and from within it, unbeknownst to Adam, former Prime Minister Winston Churchill - whose face is on the £5 note - appears in order to inform Adam that he is one of very few people who believes in the power of gratitude and is the hero that the world needs.

As a distinct light appears from within the note, Churchill places in Adam’s chest, the £5 note, thus ensuring Adam is transformed into a superhero, the world's mightiest mortal, 5, who has been bestowed with superpowers to make the world a better place.

However, there are additional perils, too.

Alongside his son, Mo included a number of personal elements into the story. This includes the creation of the main nemesis in the book, The CLAW.

Mo said: “The CLAW was inspired by Jim Carrey’s Liar Liar movie.

"A memorable scene from the film features Carrey’s character making his son laugh by contorting his hand and tickling him with it, referring to it as the Claw.

“The CLAW, an evil nemesis, capable of creating evil subservient CLAWBOTS, who are known for their brutality, is intent on capturing Adam, as his wholesome character is the biggest threat to the CLAW’s vision, which is take over the world’s economy.

"Therefore, he needs to get hold of the £5 note and use it to further his agenda by creating his own physical and digital currency.”

Mo said he always wanted to write a second book, if the concept was right, after his first book, The Asian Liverbird, commissioned by Liverpool FC, hit the shelves in 2008.

Featuring a foreword by former Red - and Premier League winning Rovers manager - Kenny Dalglish, the book featured interviews with the likes of former Liverpool and England captain Steven Gerrard, Momo Sissoko, John Barnes, Sir Tom Finney and a 5,000 word interview with former player Xabi Alonso.

Mo dedicated his previous book to Adam, as his youngest son Ismaeel had not been born.

Ismaeel, 11, gave his dad a brief to include him as a character in a book as a superhero, influencing Mo by writing him a note in which he scribbled: “My dad is a superhero, he is so cool.”

After some deliberation, Mo set out to write a book, around the £5 note story and include both boys in the book as superheroes.

He said: “I promised Ismaeel I would write the book.

"However, the entire process, the character and story development, notwithstanding the proof reading and editing took me over a year to complete."

Another personal touch was referencing Mo’s favourite city, Basel in Switzerland.

He said: “The final battle takes place in Basel, my favourite city, which is Switzerland’s capital of culture and mentions my favourite places, such as the Rheingasse area, River Rhine, Mittlere Brucke bridge and the Augusta Raurica ruins.”

Mo reveals he could not decide on how to write the ending.

It was only when he took the boys to watch WWE Smackdown Live and Money In The Bank at the 02 in London in 2023, along with AEW Wrestling’s ALL IN event at Wembley Stadium in August 2023, that he got the inspiration he needed in order to complete the final chapter.

He added:  “I knew it needed another angle. It was only whilst we were watching Money In The Bank and AEW ALL IN that I envisaged how the ending would work.

“The blurred lines are what makes wrestling/sports entertainment fun to follow. Sure, the in-ring athleticism can be spectacular, yet the ability to tell a story along with the character development is fascinating.

“Being part of a live crowd is something that I wanted to portray this in the book after having seen the reaction that the likes of Batley lad, Luke Menzies, who is known as Ridge Holland, Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn received at the WWE events at the 02 in London."

'Five' by Mo Bhana can be purchased on Amazon.