A prison ombudsman investigation into the death of a convicted murderer who stabbed and killed her newborn baby with scissors has found ‘no issues of concern’.

Rachel Tunstill was an inmate at HMP Styal in Cheshire after being handed a life sentence for the murder of her daughter Mia Kelly in Burnley in 2017.

The 32-year-old died in hospital of breast cancer on August 1, while a prisoner at HMP Styal.

The Prison and Probation Ombudsman, an independent body carries out investigations into those who died while in custody.

Tunstill’s family wanted to know about the events that led to her death and asked for a copy of the ombudsman’s report.

NHS England commissioned an independent clinical reviewer to review Tunstill’s clinical care in in prison.

In a report, a spokesman for the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO), said: “The clinical reviewer concluded the clinical care Ms Tunstill received at Styal was of a good standard and equivalent to that which she could have expected to receive in the community.

“She made one recommendation not related to Ms Tunstill’s death that the head of healthcare will wish to address.

“The PPO investigator investigated the non-clinical issues relating to Ms Tunstill’s care.

“We did not find any non-clinical issues of concern. We make no recommendations.

“We shared our initial report with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service.

“They found no factual inaccuracies in this report but pointed out a factual inaccuracy in the clinical review which has been amended.

“We sent a copy of our initial report to Ms Tunstill’s parents. They pointed out a factual inaccuracy in the clinical review which has been amended.

“We offer our condolences to Ms Tunstill’s family and friends.”

An inquest held at Cheshire Coroners' Court on January 1, this year, concluded that Ms Tunstill died from natural causes.

During the trial of Tunstill, from Burnley, Liverpool Crown Court heard how she gave birth while her unsuspecting boyfriend played computer games in the next room in January 2017.

She told him she was having a miscarriage and asked him for scissors before stabbing Mia 14 times just after she was born.

At the time, it was described as a ‘callous killing’.