Homeowners in Darwen have been told to stay alert after reports that a scammer had been going door-to-door trying to sell items.

Officers received reports on Saturday, March 2, that a young man had been going house-to-house in the Woodlands Grove area.

The man, who claimed to be from a charity, reportedly told homeowners that he “had to sell £20 worth of items before being allowed to go home”.

He had been trying to sell items such as dusters, micro fibre dusters on sticks and oven gloves.

The man had also said he was from Helping Hands charity, but police say the charity is “not associated in any way with this”.

Officers say they will be “paying attention to the area” and are trying to find the person responsible.

A police spokesperson said: “We have received a report that a young male has been going house-to-house in the Woodlands Grove area, knocking on doors offering items such as dusters, micro fibre dusters on sticks and oven gloves.

“The male has been challenged and he gave an excuse of having to sell another £20 worth of items before being allowed to go home.

“He said that he was from Helping Hands. No items have been purchased and the male has gone on his way. 

“Checks have been made on the charity and they state on their website that they do not promote going house to house selling… they are not associated in any way with this.

“Officers will be paying attention to the area and if any further instances occur, please ring it in and we will look at finding the persons and dealing with them accordingly.”

Anyone with information has been asked to get in touch via In The Know, a local crime alert system set up by police. The website can be found at: www.stayintheknow.co.uk.