Schools across the borough have commended a scheme which has helped pupils brush up on their dental health.

AP Smilecare, on Preston New Road, helped to manage the project which aimed to raise awareness of oral health in children.

The practice said the scheme had now helped close to 3,500 children aged between two and five years-old. 

James Charnock from AP Smilecare said: “We have been into the overwhelming majority of pre-school settings and infant schools across the borough to train staff to supervise brushing, as well as offering good oral health advice, to the staff, children and parents. 

“The scheme is proving hugely popular with the children, as well as developing such a good habit as daily toothbrushing, which will ultimately lead to improving oral health in this cohort of children.”

Sadie Nickson from Daisyfield Primary School said: “We have taken part in the programme for over a year and have found it really beneficial to the children.

"They have become independent in brushing their teeth and organising themselves, for example looking after their own toothbrush by putting it back in the rack. 

“This has helped us as a school to fulfil our responsibilities for teaching oral health and we know that it will have an extremely positive impact on the children's ability to care for their teeth going forward.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Pre-School Room Manager at Evolution Childcare, Bekkie Le Blond said: “Brushing teeth at nursery has given the children a sense of independence and a strong understanding of dental hygiene. 

“We thank AP Smilecare for providing us with tooth brushes to offer this experience and education of dental health at our nursery setting”

Mrs Noon the EYFS lead at Feniscowles Primary School said: “
"We have embraced the supervised toothbrushing scheme here at Feniscowles, it has helped the children to understand how to brush their teeth effectively and they really enjoy brushing their teeth every day. It runs seamlessly and really does encourage independence. 

“It is a great way to promote oral hygiene in young children in less than five minutes!" 

Mrs Lindsey Gibbons is assistant headteacher at Roe Lee Park Primary School.

She said: “As a school we understand that we can play a crucial role in establishing the foundations for healthy patterns of behaviour and improving children’s health and social skills alongside educational attainment.

“We are now in the second year of the scheme with all of our children in the early years participating. The routine is well established and takes no more than ten minutes per day.”