Storage space in a former plumbing and bathroom showroom, which is currently operating as an after-school club and nursery, could be turned into a children’s play facility.

The Noah’s Ark Institute of Knowledge (NAIK) applied to Pendle Council in January for planning permission to change the use of the ground floor at 149 Railway Street, Nelson, into an internal play facility.

As part of the proposals, four roof dormers to each of the sides of the building would also be erected.

A planning statement submitted alongside the application states: “The property is on three levels with adjoining commercial properties around the application boundaries.

"The application site consists of a stone built warehouse portal frame building with a corrugated roof over.

“The existing use is a nursery and community building – the ground floor warehouse area is currently used as a storage space relating to the activities of the institution.

“The developed proposal will bring this space to beneficial re-use as currently it’s not being used to its full potential, and the warehouse store is currently just used as an ancillary area.”

The plans state that the proposed use of the building, if planning approval is granted would bring it back into use and would not result in a significant change to the character of the use of the site.

The planning statement went on: “The proposal is for, or includes, a use that will contribute to the regeneration development of sustainable mixed-use communities by improving the level of local services, facilities or amenities within the vicinity.

“The proposal will help with providing amenity/recreation play area for the children which will promote a healthy and safe environment for the children using the institution.

“It is our view that the application conforms to the council’s policies - which will generate jobs within the area and will provide a community benefit to parents and guardians using the facilities for their children.”

No external alterations are planned for the building other than the inclusion of the dormer windows and the change of external fabric material to uplift the street scene and to provide the building with a fresh modern look.

Access would be from Railway Street and Vernon Street, however there is no parking on-site.

The planning statement continues: “There is no requirement for vehicle and staff parking as currently the building is functioning without the need due to the site being used by local residents whom are predominantly walking to the site.

“The nursery staff are travelling via foot and public transport as it is within easy commuter route and additional cycle store will also be provided within the application site to promote sustainable travel.

“There is a lay-by on Railway Street which can also be used for school drop off and collection points for approximately four vehicles and parents will be encouraged to use this.

“During the mornings and pick-up times, two car spaces are to be coned off adjacent to the warehouse building on Vernon Street and managed as ‘drop and go’.”

The plans are now under consideration and a decision will be made by Pendle Council in due course.