Madrassah pupils from Blackburn collected essential food items and toiletries for their local food bank.

The Unity Educational Trust madrassah is based close to the town centre on Preston News Road.

Students, teachers and parents joined forces as part of the charity drive which began early in December.

Collection boxes were placed in the community were people could donate non-perishable goods, from canned goods to hygiene products. 

Lancashire Telegraph:

Isra, a student of the madrassah said: “I really enjoyed speaking to my friends and family to collect these essential items for the foodbank. It compliments what we are learning about compassion and community spirit, putting it into action.”

Lancashire Telegraph:

Dr Jawad Shah said: “These young children have shown extraordinary enthusiasm and empathy, recognising the importance of extending a helping hand to those facing hardships. 

“It was an overwhelming response from everyone and emphasis the invaluable lesson of community service being instilled in the next generation. 

“The pupils have set a shining example of how, when united, a community can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need.”