A Christmas card designed by a 10-year-old from Burnley has been sent to 5,000 officers across the county.

The Chief Constable's Christmas e-card is sent to staff at Lancashire Constabulary as well as partner agencies.  The winning design was submitted by pupil Aaruhi who also won £150 for books for Brunshaw Primary School.

This year’s theme was to design a police-themed Christmas image in a template of a Christmas bauble. All baubles submitted were printed and hung on the tree in headquarters reception.

Chief Constable, Chris Rowley, said “I’d like to thank everybody that has taken the time to enter this competition. 

"Once again it’s been really well supported, and the standard of the entries has been the best yet. It is a great pleasure to be able to pick a winner for this competition at this festive time of year, and to see our tree at headquarters filled with bauble entries is really special.”

Aaruhi and two runner ups, Emilia, five, and Anna, 11, were invited to Hutton HQ with their families and presented with certificates and prizes containing art supplies presented by Deputy Chief Constable Sacha Hatchett.

After the presentation PC Barker gave a demonstration with police dogs, Tommy and Henry, and they also had the opportunity to wear hats, sit in cars and flash the blues and twos.

Lancashire Telegraph:

DCC Hatchett said “Policing is so much more than catching the baddies. It is also about engaging with public to build trust and confidence and it is a pleasure to be involved with something positive with the children in our community.”

Emily Topping, Emilia’s mother, said “Thank you for an amazing time and going out of your way to not just have the DCC there but to also have the police dog handler there so the children could see the dogs and have a ride in the police car. 

"The prize and certificate she received were amazing and I’m sure she will always remember such an amazing experience with Lancashire Police.”