A thief gained entry to a Burnley house, took keys from a handbag and drove off in a vehicle that was parked outside.

The burglary took place on Accrington Road, on December 5, between midnight and 6am.

The vehicle was later recovered, after information was passed to police about it being seen on Oslo Street at around 3am on the day it was stolen.

Items from the vehicle were seen to be “dumped out onto the street”.

Enquiries into the incident are ongoing. If you have any information or CCTV, get in touch with the Burnley neighbourhood police team.

A police spokesperson said: “There has been a report of a Burglary on Accrington Road in Burnley.

“This took place on December 5, between midnight and 6am. A [person] gained entry [to the property] via the front door and once inside a handbag has been stolen.

“[The handbag contained] keys for the vehicle that was parked directly outside the address has been taken. 

“Information was passed on that the vehicle was seen on Oslo street around 3am on December 5.

“Items from the vehicle have been seen dumped out on the street.

“If anybody on the street has any CCTV of this taking place then please can you let me know.

“The vehicle has been recovered now after it has been spotted parked up not too far from the location it was taken. This was spotted around 8am on December 5.”