An Oswaldtwistle based coaching company celebrated the end of a successful year with their first festival for fearless females.

The event, which took place at the Shireburn Arms Hotel and Restaurant, included inspirational speakers from the Bold Moves Academy, Liz Boswell.

Christmas lunch was enjoyed by twenty-two businesswomen from across Lancashire to toast their achievements, network and focus on plans for 2024.

Liz launched the Bold Moves Academy in October 2022.

She said: “I started the academy because I kept going to networking events, meeting women with incredible stories, but too afraid to promote their businesses. 

"I wanted to create accessible, affordable learning opportunities for women, to enable them to build their confidence in speaking, in a safe environment surrounded by a supportive community.

"These women can have a great impact on the growth of the economy in the North by scaling their businesses together.”

There are currently 16 members, with numbers growing steadily. Liz’s aim is for 30 by the end of 2024.

As part of the academy, members can enjoy a goal setting session, unlimited access to a library of masterclasses, monthly online group coaching sessions and networking opportunities.

There are practical tips and techniques to improve public speaking, opportunities to practice speaking in a safe space, empowering support, and feedback to build confidence and much more.

Members can also enjoy discounts at other live events and one to one coaching sessions.

With men outnumbering women on speaking panels, Liz wants to enable women to take up opportunities to speak at events, raising their profiles and share their skills to educate other female entrepreneurs, helping them to grow their businesses.

This year, Liz’s Bold Moves Coaching was also celebrated at the Hyndburn Business Awards, winning the Sole Trader category.

The ceremony, which took place on Thursday, June 15, at the Mercure Dunkenhalgh Hotel, was attended by over 260 local business people.