A 73-year-old man was found with more than 70 child abuse images on his computers after sending £2,700 abroad.

John Tesseyman was identified as part of a National Crime Agency investigation targeting UK nationals making payments to a Filipino family who facilitated child abuse.

Tesseyman was detained on suspicion of child sexual abuse offences by officers from the National Bureau of Investigation in the Philippines while visiting the country.

He was later released and returned to the UK but was arrested by the NCA several weeks later at his home in Ingleton.

During their investigation, officers identified that Tesseyman had made 53 payments, totalling approximately £2,700, to payees in the Philippines between March and October 2017.

On his arrest, NCA officers seized Tesseyman’s computers, which were found to have more than 70 indecent images of children in categories A-C (A being the most severe) stored on them, including those of a Filipino child.

His internet search history demonstrated a strong sexual preoccupation with young children and contained graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse.

Tesseyman was charged with four counts of making indecent photographs of children.

Yesterday (November 24), he was sentenced to 13 months in prison. He was also prohibited from travelling to a list of countries, including the Philippines, for five years.

The couple who facilitated the abuse of the children in some of the photos were both charged with offences involving the sexual exploitation of children. One of them has since been convicted and is serving a 15 year term in prison in Manila.

National Crime Agency senior investigating officer, Daniel Waywell said: “The Philippines remains a key focus of our work to prevent child sexual abuse by UK nationals, and we have cultivated a close working relationship with partners in the area to combat these crimes.

“The investigation into John Tesseyman was the result of a concerted effort from NCA officers and our colleagues overseas, demonstrating our resolve to pursue and bring to justice individuals who pose a sexual threat to children.”

Tesseyman received a custodial sentence of 13 months, as well as a 10 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order as a Registered Sex Offender, along with a five year travel ban on countries including the Philippines.