The headteacher of Baxenden St John's Church of England Primary School is proud following a glowing inspection.

The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection report highlights the school’s commitment to fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment rooted in Christian values.

The school, located in Church Avenue in Baxenden, Accrington, was praised for its highly effective curriculum and the hard working leaders.

Lancashire Telegraph: Primary school pupilsPrimary school pupils (Image: Julie Green)The report said: “Leaders are determined that pupils should be well-prepared for the challenges of the next stages in their lives.

"They regularly question, explore and debate in the course of learning.

“A wide range of responsibilities enable pupils to mature and develop independence as they grow through the school.

“Pupils enjoy learning, benefitting from creative teaching and a culture that embraces mistakes as opportunities to learn. This supports pupils to make steps in learning with confidence.”

The SIAMS inspectors noted an “impressive extracurricular offer” allowing pupils to experience different sports, music and art activities, is valued by the parents for the way in which “these opportunities often lead to deeper interest and involvement.”

The report continued: “Vulnerable pupils are well-supported with carefully targeted interventions in school and by a wide range of external agencies.

“Staff feel cared for personally as well as being offered, and encouraged to access, high quality professional development.

“The governing body takes its responsibility for staff wellbeing very seriously, listening to concerns and offering help as necessary.

"Staff know the families of pupils well and respond quickly and discreetly to concerns.

“Leaders listen carefully to parents and are willing to ‘go the extra mile’. However challenging or unique an issue, there is a determination to work together to find solutions that maintain individual dignity.”

Headteacher Mrs Green expressed her pride in the school’s achievements.

She said: “I am very proud that our wonderful children, excellent staff, hardworking governors and supportive parents have been recognised by SIAMs as enabling everyone at Baxenden to flourish by living life in all its fullness. 

“This report recognises that we are a family and community who support each other to 'walk with Jesus to be the best that we can be' supported by our Christian Vision.

“The report also recognises that we are passionate in ensuring that our Christian vision is at the heart of every decision we make, helping us to focus on a fully rounded education by recognising and celebrating every child's individual gifts and talents, not just academic ability. 

“As a result, we have strong pupil leadership with our Equality Group, School Parliament and God Squad, who help our whole school community to live out our vision.”