A planning application for a redesigned East Lancs market hall - already labelled "ugly" is set to go before councillors.

Proposals for the new Colne Market include refurbishment and extension of the existing market hall and first floor apartments, with food hall space and stalls. Also proposed is demolition of the existing glazed front canopy and garages at the back.

A new stair and lift tower is also planned, plus two one-bedroom apartments, a new public car park and bus stop.

Pendle Council’s joint business venture with developer Barnfield, called PEARL 2 Ltd, is the applicant. The project is linked to government levelling-up funds.

The Colne area committee will get the opportunity to comment on the market hall plan at Colne Town Hall. The plan will then go to the development management committee for a formal decision.

A report for councillors states:  “The proposal seeks to re-clad the existing building as well as remove a section of the canopy-entrance to the front elevation.

“The plan includes the introduction of an additional two flats. There are currently nine vacant flats within the upper floor of the building. The proposed development would see the re-occupation of these flats as well as two additional ones. Internally, the proposal is to comprise a food hall and market stall area, whilst the upper floor is to accommodate 11 dwellings.”

The report also says ‘multiple objections’ have been received. Comments include opinions about alleged ‘poor design’ and the borough council allowing the ‘destruction of the town’.  One person said Colne town is full of history and it is a a shame to have ‘such an ugly building’ at the centre.

Other comments relate to colour and vibrancy of the plans, or the market building needing a re-paint rather than £4m spending on it. Others claim the proposal demonstrates a ‘lack of ideas’ or that money would be better-spent on green spaces,  health care system, Langroyd Hall or young people.

But one person has written in support, saying they back improving the market hall but the lettering on signs should be a darker colour, not red.

Last year, there was upset and criticism from some market hall traders over an alleged lack of consultation about the market hall changes. Some also feared the market would be repositioned  and aimed at wealthier ‘millennial’ customers with more expensive stalls from elsewhere.

However, this year some councillors have said communication is better and the mood has improved.

The council has also announced work on the market is set to start in January, which means it will stay open until Christmas. In the meantime, the former Poundland shop in Hartley Square is being adapted to become a temporary market hall. Shaw’s Greengrocers – VEG-IT and Michael’s Butchers & Farm Shop will move to Richmonds Court opposite the market. The Granny’s Kitchen cafe will move to  property on Dockray Street.