A man breached a non-molestation order by speaking to his ex-partner’s mum when he bumped into her on the street.

Blackburn magistrates heard Liaqat Ali asked the mum to speak to her daughter and ask her to stop ongoing proceedings.

The court heard the woman is scared of leaving her house in case she bumps into Ali, and also that he may turn up at her house.

Ali, 55, of Steiner Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to breach of a non-molestation order, with his solicitor telling the court his client did not understand the scope of the order.

He was given a 12 week suspended jail term with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and a six month drug rehabilitation requirement. He was also ordered to pay £85 costs.

Suzanne Byrne, prosecuting, explained the order had been made in August and prohibited any contact, directly or through a third party, with his ex-partner.

She said: “The complainants mother was approached by the defendant in Blackburn Road, Accrington, just two weeks after the order had been made.

“He started a conversation about an ongoing case and asked her to speak to her daughter in an attempt to get her to stop the proceedings.”

Miss Byrne said the victim was scared of the defendant and worried he may turn up at her address.

“She said she doesn’t go out on her own because she is frightened of bumping into him,” said Miss Byrne.

Robin Phoenix, in mitigation, said his client didn’t understand the order involved other people.