A man who stole his mum’s bank card and cash from his sister to fund his alcohol addiction.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Liam Thompson used the card to make numerous purchases before the theft was discovered.

Thompson, 35, of Fairhaven Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to theft of £10 from his sister and a bank card belonging to his mother, seven charges of fraudulent use of the card and theft of steaks from Iceland.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a six months alcohol treatment requirement and 25 days rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was ordered to pay £10 compensation to his sister and £45 to his mother.

Court documents show he visited stores such as Bridgewater, One Stop and Asda and only one of the purchases - for £22 - was above £7.

Liz Hayton, prosecuting, said Thompson was arrested at Asda in connection with another matter which did not lead to any charges.

When he was searched his mum’s bank card was found in his possession.

“He said he had permission to use the card but when police spoke to his mum she said that was not true,” said Miss Hayton.

“She thought the card was with her daughter. He had been to the daughter’s house that morning and the card had been removed from her jacket pocket along with two five pound notes.”

Jonathan Taylor, mitigating, said his client apologised for the offences.

“It is very sad because he has had a good relationship with his mum and his sister but he has let himself down very badly,” said Mr Taylor.

“It would appear that at this point in his life he would benefit greatly from the involvement of the Probation Service.”