A convicted sex offender who left the UK for a funeral in Pakistan without telling police has been hauled before the courts.

Blackburn magistrates heard as a result of his six months absence, Najaf Khan had run up three breaches of the sex offender register requirements.

Khan, 41, of Stanley Street, Nelson, admitted to failing to comply with notification requirements.

He was given a 12-month community order with a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement, £120 fined £120 and £85 costs.

Peter Bardsley, prosecuting, said the defendant had been placed on the sex offender register for 10 years in 2013.

Khan carried out a sex attack on a woman in Brierfield a decade ago that left her terrified she was going to be raped or killed, and was jailed for more than two years.

He took a flight to Pakistan in November 2022 and returned to the UK in March when he was arrested.

“When he was interviewed he said he wasn’t a sex offender and wasn’t aware of being convicted in 2013,” said Mr Bardsley.

Mark Williams, mitgiating, said since his return and arrest Khan has spent some time sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

“When he went away he stopped taking his medication and he suffered a breakdown in his mental health,” said Mr Williams.

“He complied fully with the requirements for nine-and-a-half years and he hasn’t committed any other offences.”

District Judge Alexandra Preston said she accepted the order was no longer in force and Khan was offence-free since 2013.