A training provider in Blackburn has been rated as ‘requires improvement’ by Ofsted and have been told that “too many apprentices leave” before finishing the course.

Get Set Academy, in Richmond Terrace, has been told it requires improvement in most areas including quality of location, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, its apprenticeships.

Its adult learning programmes have been rated as ‘inadequate’.

It is the first time the site has been inspected and several changes must be made in order to improve its rating.

While staff aim to provide “ambitious curriculums for their learners and apprentices”, the standard of training for apprentices are said to be “inconsistent” and the standard of training for adult learners is “poor”.

Inspectors said too many apprentices leave before completing their apprenticeship. According to the report, this is because “leaders do not ensure that apprentices fully understand the expectations prior to enrolling on the apprenticeship”.

The apprentices that do remain often go on to achieve high grades.

The report said: “Most of the remaining apprentices develop a range of knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need in order to be successful at work.

“Apprentices use visual props effectively when they sing nursery rhymes to children. They confidently introduce new activities to help children accurately identify colours.

“Most apprentices enjoy their learning and are motivated to achieve high grades in their final assessments.”

The report highlighted faults in the teaching of digital skills, saying “too complex”.

The report said: “In digital skills, teaching and assessment are poor. Tutors have planned a curriculum that is too complex and detailed to enable learners to know more and remember more over time.

“They do not check whether learners understand this language or what has been taught before they swiftly move on to a new topic.

“The pace of each lesson is so fast that learners do not have the opportunity to solidify their learning. As a result, too many learners do not recall any of the key digital skills that they have been taught.”

Leaders have been told to improve their digital skills bootcamp to meet the needs of adult learners.  

The report also encouraged the company to provide more opportunities for apprentices to practise their skills at work.

There were some positives of the report and apprentice learners are set to feel safe at the site.

In apprenticeships, most coaches were said to use assessment well and use probing questions to check that apprentices understand what they have learned.

The report said: “Apprentices and learners feel safe. Apprentices know whom to contact if they have a concern about themselves or others.

“They know that sexual harassment and bullying are unacceptable workplace behaviours. However, almost all learners could not recall any learned knowledge in relation to safeguarding or keeping themselves safe when online.”

Get Set Academy was approached for comment but did not respond.