A drug driver was caught in the act by two police officers on patrol.

Blackburn magistrates heard Rachael Pollitt was stopped at traffic lights and the officers smelled cannabis coming from her car. They investigated and found she was smoking a joint while driving.

Pollitt, 32, of Stevenson Street East, Accrington, admitted to drug driving. She was fined £120 with £85 costs. She was banned from driving for 18 months.

Suzanne Byrne, prosecuting, said the officers were on patrol on Higher Audley Street when they smelled cannabis coming from a car queuing at the lights.

“Their inquiries showed the defendant was smoking cannabis while she was driving,” said Miss Byrne.

Gareth Price, defending, his client was a lady of previous good character.

“She was smoking cannabis and that offence was dealt with by the police informally and is not before the court today,” said Mr Price.

He said that day she had taken her partner to hospital after he developed an abscess.

“She uses cannabis to support some medication she gets from her doctor,” said Mr Price.