A Blackburn couple have completed a 10 months-long fundraising challenge to walk 2,023 miles for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA).

Jacqueline McAleese, 58, and her husband Tony, 55, walked at least seven miles every day from January to October 8 in aid of the charity.

The couple completed their fundraiser on Sunday with a 10 mile walk, finishing inside the top gates of Blackburn Old Cemetery, where they were met by friends and family.

The couple exceeded their target by 26 per cent, and have currently raised £2,530 in aid of the charity on JustGiving with the amount closer to £4,000 in private donations and gift aid.

Lancashire Telegraph: Jacqueline said: "The nine month challenge has seen us walk a minimum of six or seven miles every evening after a full day's work, and then walks of around 10-20 miles on a Saturday and Sunday. 

"Motor neurone disease is a cruel, indiscriminate, life limiting disease. To learn that a close friend and colleague of Tony's had received an MND diagnosis spurred us on to get the job done.

"We are both on our third pair of trainers since starting on January 1 this year. Snow, gales, ice and rain and blistering heat have not deterred us. We are shattered but fit and healthy.

"Walking is free, it's low impact and so good for your mental health. If funds can be raised for worthy charities then it's win, win. We hope to have raised around £3,500." 

Beginning their journey on January 1, they were originally inspired by rugby league players Kevin Sinfield and Rob Burrow, and the late rugby union legend Doddie Weir, who have done huge amounts to raise awareness of the disease which Rob is battling and Doddie sadly died from earlier this year.

Kevin Sinfield has run seven marathons in seven days, 101 miles in 24 hours, and seven ultra-marathons in seven days over the past few years in aid of MNDA, and most recently ran the Rob Burrow Marathon in Leeds, pushing his team-mate Rob the whole way in a buggy, this summer.

Inspired by their acts of friendship, Jacqueline and Tony wanted to do their bit to support the charity, which is campaigning to find a cure for the disease, by walking a total of 2,023 miles.

Extreme weather does not dishearten the couple, who previously walked from Blackburn to Blackpool in blistering heat in May, which took them eight hours and 25 mins to walk 26.88 miles.

This is not their first sponsored walk, achieving 1,500 miles from January to October for Derian House Children's Hospice in Chorley last year, raising more than £4,000.

Since they started the walk, a friend of Mr McAleese received a MND diagnosis, giving their efforts a new personal element.

Lancashire Telegraph: Tony said: "We’d really appreciate anyone who is able to sponsor us, things are tight we know, but every little counts.

"It would be gratefully received and MNDA would welcome the support."

Donations can be made on their Just Giving page.