A special constable who tried to calm a couple who were arguing on the street was immediately attacked.

Blackburn magistrates heard David Street lunged at the officer and punched him through the open window of his car.

Street, 41, of Thistle Manor, Edisford Road, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker. He was made subject to a community order for 12 weeks with a curfew between 8 pm and 7am for the same period. He was ordered to pay £200 compensation to the special constable.

Suzanne Byrne, prosecuting, said the officer was on mobile patrol in Clitheroe when he saw a couple having a row.

"He stopped to ask if everything was alright and the defendant immediately lunged at him throwing punches with some force through the open window," said Miss Byrne. "It was a matter of luck that they did not connect."

Aftab Bakhat, defending, said his client was in a relationship with a fellow resident at Thistle Manor and she was being moved to a care facility in Manchester.

"He was very upset and frustrated that they could not stay together," said Mr Bakhat. "They had a few drinks to drown their sorrows and he has little recollection of what happened after that.

Mr Bakhat said his client was deeply sorry for what he had done and had not had a drink since.

"He knows the officer was only doing his job," said Mr Bakhat.