A woman was woken at 5.30 am by her ex-partner banging on her front door.

Blackburn magistrates heard Louis Lockett was shouting that he knew there was someone in the house and tried to open the front door with a key.

Lockett, 33, of Water Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to harassment. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement and 100 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £200 compensation and £85 costs. He was made subject to a restraining order for six months which prohibits any contact with the aggrieved.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Lockett had behaved dreadfully.

"You went round in the middle of the night and she had to call the police before you would leave," said District Judge Preston. "You then bombarded her with phone calls and very abusive messages."

Jackie Partington, prosecuting, said the couple had been separated for five months prior to the incident.

"She was asleep with her daughter when she was woken by banging on the front door at 5.30 am," said Miss Partington. "She saw the defendant outside shouting that he knew there was someone in there and trying to put a key in the door. She called the police and put the phone on loudspeaker so she could hear who she was calling."

Miss Partington said while she was asleep the victim had received 36 missed calls from the defendant and he then sent a number of abusive messages.

Mark Williams, defending, said his client accepted the messages were abusive and would have been upsetting.

"He was a little unsure where he stood in the relationship," said Mr Williams.

"They had separated some months earlier but he believed they were getting on well and the relationship was still in existence. That was not her view and he believed she had been unfaithful."