Police officers in a patrol car could smell cannabis coming from another vehicle as they drove along Barbara Castle Way in Blackburn.

The town's magistrates heard Shamas Liaqaat later admitted to police that he drove to work every day and that he smoked two or three "joints" of cannabis every day. He also said he didn't know possession of the drug was illegal.

Liaqaat, 33, of Lois Place, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to drug driving and possession of cannabis. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 10 days rehabilitation activity requirement. He was fined £230 with a £92 victim surcharge and £85 costs and banned from driving for three years.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Liaqaat had a history of drug driving.

"You would have known the dangers but you still chose to do it again," said District Judge Preston.

Susheela Regala, prosecuting, said the officers were on mobile patrol when they detected the smell of cannabis coming from the defendant's vehicle.

When he was pulled over Liaqaat admitted smoking cannabis earlier and told the officers he had some in the car. She said it was his second drug driving offence within a 10 year period which meant the minimum disqualification period was three years.

Kimberley Morton, defending, said her client didn't know why he made the comment about the legality of cannabis because he did know it was a criminal offence.