A man viciously assaulted the ex-partner of his girlfriend after the ‘red mist descended’ when he saw them asleep together on the sofa.

Daniel Latham, 33, was in a relationship with a woman called Grace Dearden in December 2021.

Preston Crown Court heard how on December 1 2021 the couple had had an argument, with the police being called and Ms Dearden being escorted to a pub where her friends and ex-partner Scott Kenyon were drinking in order for her to make arrangements to stay somewhere else.

Once in the pub, the friends continued drinking and it was planned that Ms Dearden would go back to her brother’s house and stay the night there.

Prosecuting, Helena Willams said they all went back to her brother’s home and continued drinking.

Lancashire Telegraph: Daniel LathamDaniel Latham (Image: Lancs Police)

Ms Williams told the court: “Around midnight, Scott Kenyon’s girlfriend called to see if everything was ok, and he told her it was.

“Then both Mr Kenyon and Ms Dearden fell asleep fully clothed on the sofa.

“All Mr Kenyon remembers then is waking up and being punched and kicked and then pulled to the floor.

“He realised the man attacking him was Daniel Latham, who he had known for a number of years and who was now in a relationship with his ex-partner, Ms Dearden.

“Latham continued kicking and punching Mr Kenyon, and was in a rage. He later told the police that the ‘red mist had descended’ when he saw Mr Kenyon with his girlfriend.”

The court heard how Ms Dearden woke up and the police were called but the defendant remained in the property and rained another two or three punches on Mr Kenyon.

Later that day, the defendant approached the police station and handed himself in and showed officers cuts on his knuckles and blood on items of his clothing.

He was arrested but released while the police obtained a statement from Mr Kenyon who was in hospital.

When he was interviewed two weeks later on December 15, Latham told police he knew Ms Dearden would have been staying the night at her brother’s following their argument, so he cycled round there.

Ms Williams continued: “He then said everything went black and he returned home and fell asleep but woke up to find he had marks on his hands so went to the police station.”

The court heard how Mr Kenyon had suffered fractured eye sockets and swelling to his eyes as well as fractures to his cheek bones. He was in pain for two to three weeks and struggled to eat and blink.

He said the whole ordeal had affected his demeanour and his life.

Latham, 33, of Henthorn Road, initially pleaded not guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent but guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm, however this was not accepted by the Crown and the case went to trial.

He eventually pleaded guilty to the more serious offence on the first day of trial.

Sentencing Latham to 40 months in prison, Judge Simon Medland KC said: “It’s a matter of good fortune that your victim did not have to undergo serious reconstructive surgery.

“To a large extent this is out of character. You have a number of previous convictions as a young man but you had stayed out of trouble from 2015 to 2021 and there has been nothing since.

“There’s a number of references in which people speak highly of you and it’s greatly to be regretted that I have to pass sentence on you for this offence.

“Your remorse is undoubtedly genuine. What possessed you to plead not guilty at your plea hearing I do not know.”

Latham was also made subject to a five-year restraining order.