A sex offender breached his notification requirements after failing to accept his conviction and refusing to accept he should be on the sex offender’s register.

Bashrat Ali, 53, was jailed for six years in 2017 for sexual activity with a child under the age of 16. 

Preston Crown Court heard he was released in 2020 but was recalled almost immediately after non-compliance and was told to serve the remaining three years of his sentence.

However, upon his release earlier this year he attended Burnley police station and told them he was of no fixed abode.

When a sex offender has no address, they must then register at the police station every seven days, but Ali failed to abide by these rules, which put him in breach of his notification requirements.

Lancashire Telegraph: Bashrat AliBashrat Ali (Image: Lancs Police)

The court heard how Ali had “maintained he should not be on the sex offender’s register” and said he would not be registering any address at the police station as he didn’t want the police to visit him.

Ali was arrested and charged but pleaded not guilty to breaching his notification requirements and the case was tried in the magistrates’ court where he was found guilty.

Ali also maintained he should not have been convicted for the crimes in 2017.

Bob Elias, defending, said: “It’s his choice now, if he will not obey he will just continue to be recalled and receive custodial sentences.”

Judge Simon Medland KC said: “It’s a matter for you whether you accept your conviction or not, but the fact is you were convicted, the fact is there was no appeal made against the conviction, the fact is you should comply with these requirements, not only to protect society but to help protect yourself from any wrongful accusations.

“You have solidly refused to comply with them and in the past your attitude has resulted in you serving not three years but the whole six years of your sentence, and at some point, you have to come to the realisation that this is not voluntary, it’s an obligation to comply with these notifications.

“If not, sentences will be passed and they will only get longer, and longer, and longer.

“Comply and register and do what you need to do, and no one will bother you, but if you don’t you will be the loser.”

Ali, formerly of Villers Drive, Oldham, was jailed for 14 months.