A man sexually assaulted three children and told them to 'keep quiet' about it, bribing them with money for their silence.

Malcom Smith, 57, previously of Ellis Street, Burnley, indecently touched three girls aged under 12 between 1991 to 1996, when he would have been aged 25 to 30.

In November 2020, Smith initially pleaded not guilty to one count of sexual assault by penetration to a child, and two counts of sexual assault to children, later changing his plea to guilty in 2022.

Smith abused the girls aged seven to 12, at his flat in Burnley, and in other locations such as his van.

Appearing at Preston Crown Court, prosecutor Jacob Dyer told the court the victims reported Smith to the police in 2018.

He said: "Since she was eight years old, one of the victims felt ashamed and did not want to think about that time in her life.

"She cannot remember much about the incident, but she remembers [one episode of abuse which lasted] 10 minutes, and he gave her £5 not to say anything afterwards."

Smith has previous convictions from 2018 when he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a girl under 13, for which he recieved a community order.

The court also heard Smith had a previous conviction for an offence of 'unlawful sexual intercourse' with a 13 year old girl in 1986, when he would have been 20-years-old, for which he was given a suspended sentence.

A impact statement from one of the victims said: "He told me not to say anything and I had nightmares."

The second victim's impact statement said: "I began to drink a bottle of gin a day because of what he did to me.

"I struggled to pay bills and the only reason I got out of drinking was to look after my children."

A third victim statement said: "I began to take boiling hot baths to feel clean.

"I still sometime take hot baths with Dettol, and self-harm because of depression and anxiety that he has caused."

A previous probation report from 2018 into the defendant concluded he had an attraction to girls who were approaching puberty.

By way of mitigation, Hunter Gray told the court Smith had just recovered from penis cancer and had changed his plea to guilty in advance of his trial in 2022.

Sentencing Smith, Judge Knowles KC said: "The blame lies not at all on these women. The blame lies on you and only you.

"I feel sorry for what has happened to these women, and it is clear that serious mental damage has occured to them ever since because of you.

"You have no remorse and no concern for the victims, only yourself, as you only say you feel sorry for what they 'think' happened."

Smith received a 10 year sentence for three counts of sexual assault, one with penetration, and an additional year to be served on licence.

He will not be able to apply for bail until he has spent eight years in prison.

Smith was also ordered to sign the sex offenders register indefinitely, and is not allowed in a property or the company of girls aged under 16, without full knowledge and consent from their parents or guardians of his crimes.