Police attention was drawn to a motorbike on the pavement with the engine running and no rider.

Blackburn magistrates heard, as the police approached the rider appeared and tried to drive off but stopped when officers indicated.

Adam Krzysztof Wahala, 34, of Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and without insurance, possession of cannabis and possession of amphetamine.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 15 days Rehabilitation Activity Requirement and 120 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs and banned from driving for 12 months.

Passing sentence, District Judge Alexandra Preston said Wahala had bought the bike despite knowing he was banned and had then ridden it without insurance. She said in a relatively short period of time he had been convicted of drink driving and drug driving.

Antonia Walters, prosecuting, said following his arrest, cannabis and five snap bags of amphetamine were found on Wahala.

"The motorbike had been stolen in February," said Miss Walters. "The electrics had been tampered with and the bike was running without a key."

She said Wahala had been disqualified in June 2022 for drug driving when he was also convicted of possessing cannabis and amphetamine.

Dan Neale, defending, said at the time of the offences his client was struggling with the breakdown of a long-term relationship with the woman he had come over from Poland with.

"He accepts that to help him cope he was using recreational drugs," said Mr Neale. "His personal circumstances have changed dramatically. He is in a new relationship and full-time work and he says he now sees the world differently."