A drug driver sped away from police after telling them he was “just chilling” following an argument with his partner.

Shane Gengler was spotted by officers parked in a layby on Crown Point Road in Burnley on January 19, Preston Crown Court heard.

The officers pulled up alongside him and engaged in conversation, prosecuting barrister Gurdit Singh said, before leaving without issue.

Mr Singh told the court: “He told the police he was just chilling after having an argument with his partner.

“They had no concerns so left. However, a quick check of his vehicle found it had no insurance so they turned around to try and speak with him again, but the defendant sped off.

“The officers tried to catch up with him but it was cold, between zero and minus two degrees, and the roads were icy.

“The speed limit on that road was 60mph, and at first the defendant was not driving faster than that but he was travelling too fast due to the weather conditions and it was clear he was trying to evade the police.”

Lancashire Telegraph: Shane GenglerShane Gengler (Image: Lancs Police)

Mr Singh said the police pursued Gengler through the junction with Manchester Road before the defendant carried on along New Road which is when he increased his speed to around 80mph as he headed towards Todmorden.

Mr Singh went on: “He approached a single road bridge with traffic lights and there was another car waiting at the red light.

“The defendant the drove onto the wrong side of the road and overtook the stationary car and went through the lights before crashing with a metal crash barrier.”

It was heard that as the police were following Gengler, they were reaching speeds of 50-60mph in a 40mph zone and were unable to catch up with him.

The pursuit lasted around five minutes, and after Gengler crashed he tried to run from the car but was stopped by the officers who tasered him to the ground.

Mr Singh said: “He was arrested but while adjusting the handcuffs he tried to get away.

“A roadside drugs test was carried out which was positive for cocaine and he was re-arrested, before being interviewed, where he replied no comment to all questions.”

Gengler, 40 of Ashenhurst Road, Todmorden, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, drug driving and driving without insurance at the first opportunity.

He has 12 convictions for 16 offences, most of which are for driving offence, and include a prison sentence in 2019.

Mitigating, Harry Crowson said his client had an issue with drugs but that he was genuinely remorseful.

He said: “It’s drugs, time and time again. Drugs cause his problems, and it’s drugs which have led him to committing these offences.”

Recorder Michelle Brown sentenced Gengler to 14 months in prison.

He was also disqualified from driving for five years and seven months and must sit an extended retest if he wants his licence back.