Darwen's MP Jake Berry has stepped up his campaign to ease traffic jams on the A666 between the town and Blackburn.

He was written to Blackburn with Darwen Council leader Cllr Phil Riley demanding action.

The Tory backbench MP for Rossendale and Darwen wants traffic lights at the junction with Hollins Grove turned off and the bus lane suspended.

Cllr Riley said the jams were due to the number of vehicles using the road, and switching off the controversial signals would make things worse not better.

Sir Jake, a former Conservative party chair, said: "The levels of congestion on the A666 in Darwen are unacceptable.

"For years I've been calling on the council to suspend the bus lane and turn off the lights at Hollins Grove to see if this improves traffic flow.

"I've written to the leader of the council to ask what he proposes to tackle the congestion impacting so many Darreners as they go about their daily lives."

Sir Jake's letter to Cllr Riley says: "Congestion on the A666 in Darwen has reached unacceptable levels and is having a real impact on residents who use this road to take their children to school, get to work, or reach medical appointments on time.

"In May I asked if the council would suspend the A666 bus lane and turn off the lights at Hollins Grove for a temporary period to see if this would improve traffic flow.

"You were very clear that the council would not do so.

"The severe congestion on the A666 is now having a knock on effect to neighbouring roads including the M65 motorway.

"It's impacting air quality, and having a detrimental effect on those who rely on their car to get from A to B.

"I would like to know urgently what action you will be taking to improve traffic flow on the A666."

Cllr Riley said: “We recognise there are ongoing issues travelling into and from Darwen along the A666.

"It’s a very busy route and we do understand residents’ frustrations.

“Addressing the MP’s comment about removing traffic lights in the Hollins Grove area, these are in place to control traffic joining the A666 from Earnsdale Road.

"To remove them makes no sense and would surely make congestion worse.

“Our highways team are continuing to closely monitor the network and planning a long term study of traffic flows data from over the last two years.

"This will help us to understand exactly what is causing the congestion along the A666, and to focus on finding workable solutions.

“What we already know is the volume of traffic itself causes congestion and several factors can make that worse including the weather, road traffic accidents and emergency roadworks."