A “sadistic” man who raped three young girls and abused a boy has been jailed for his depraved crimes.

Stephen Anderton, 53, committed five rapes and 15 other sexual offences against children, starting back in the 1980s and spanning four decades.

The mother of one of the victims first contacted the police to report his crime against a child in 2018.

Anderton, of Bank Street, Padiham, denied his depraved crimes but was convicted after a trial and he was remanded into custody prior to his sentence.

Burnley Crown Court heard impact statements from the four victims of Anderton’s crimes, where they described the horrors they have lived.

The first statement, from a female victim, said the things that happened in their childhood meant they struggled to let anyone into their life.

They have since been prescribed two different types of anxiety medication. They have had counselling but were unable to discuss any trauma due to the ongoing investigation.

A second statement, from another female victim, said they were “not sure how to put into words the reprehensible damage caused to my life".

They continued: “I wish the past could be erased. He is well and truly just a monster. I don’t understand how he can live guilt free.”

The next statement, from a third female victim, said they felt as though their life had been “on hold”. They have had trouble regulating their emotions and described Anderton as a “sadistic man".

The final statement, from the male victim, said he “would have taken this all to my grave if this investigation did not start back in 2018".

In defence, Robert Elias said: “It should be impossible for an objective onlooker not to be disturbed and upset and feel enormous sympathy for the victims in this case and I want to wish them well.

“The defendant is convinced he is innocent. He takes the view he was poorly represented and that he was thrown under the bus. He wishes to appeal this case by seeking fresh representation.”

Addressing Anderton in sentencing, Judge Sara Dodd said: “I am dealing with you for the very serious sexual offending of four victims. In each case there are offences of rape of offences that would now be considered rape. You were convicted after trial.

“You went on to sexually abuse and rape female victims.

“In terms of harm, I am entirely satisfied in each case severe psychological harm was caused to the victims. That remains even now, so many years on. In each, it is likely all the victims will continue to suffer as a result of your actions, probably for the rest of their lives.

“You have committed dangerous sexual offending over a number of years. You have no insight into your offending and the impact it has had on your victims. You are an offender of particular concern.”

Anderton was sentenced to 28 years in prison with a year on extended licence.