A drug addict kept his partner locked in their flat while he made threats to kill her following a heated argument.

The partner of John McNair, 43, discovered he had been keeping drugs in their flat and told him to remove them or she would call the police.

McNair then called a dealer and she overheard him saying on the phone he would be there at midnight, but this was not good enough for her.

The victim threatened to leave the flat but McNair said “you’re not going anywhere”, physically prevented her from leaving and beginning to threaten her with a dark green fishing knife.

McNair told her to sit on the chair in their living room and not move while he began to assault and threaten her. He held the knife to her throat and made threats such as “I’ll do it.”

The pair left the flat together to get some cans of alcohol from a nearby shop, and when they returned McNair continued his threats, saying “you’re not going to grass me up”, “you’re not going to call the police or I’ll cut your throat”, and “you’re not getting out of here”.

He then hit her over the head with the handle of the knife, causing a lump. He also cut her leg with the knife.

They went out again, this time to the shop at a nearby petrol station, and he told her if she was more than two minutes inside he would “cut her in front of the cameras.”

A member of the public in the shop saw her distress and told her to run. She did, but collapsed on the way and was helped by another member of the public who called the police and an ambulance.

She was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital and arrived just before 2am on August 9.

McNair was arrested later in the day on August 9 and answered mostly no comment in interview.

Mitigating for McNair at Preston Crown Court, Kimberley Obrusik said the pair were in a “chaotic” relationship but he had shown genuine remorse for his actions.

She also said McNair had already spent time in custody for breaching his bail condition of not contacting his victim, though it was later discovered it had in fact not been McNair making this contact.

Ms Obruskik added McNair has indicated upon his release from prison he wants to remain abstinent from drink and drugs.

Sentencing, Judge Philip Parry said: “In August 2022 you and your victim were partners and living together at an address in Blackburn.

"On the evening of August 8 as a result of an argument between you in the flat, you held her in your flat for a prolonged period of time and repeatedly threatened to kill her over many hours.

“You took possession of a fishing knife with a serrated edge and at one point you held it to her throat.

“She genuinely thought she was going to die by your hands.

“She was taken to the A&E department at Royal Blackburn Hospital at about 2am and told doctors she had been held by you and threatened since about 7pm the previous evening, so an ordeal of about six hours.”

McNair, of Coleridge Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to one count of making threats to kill and one count of possession of a bladed article.

He was sentenced to a total of three years and three months in prison, minus time spent on remand.