A man stole a purse with £500 cash from an elderly couple who were saving up to visit their daughter for the first time in almost 20 years has been ordered to return the money.

Razwan Ali, 38, entered their home in Rutland Street, Nelson, and stole a purse from the a handbag at the front door, Burnley Crown Court was told.

Ali, who has a long history of stealing, was told he "should be ashamed of his wicked crime" by the judge.

Ayesha Smart, prosecuting, said Graham Barton, 71 and June Nelson, 60, both have health difficulties and had been saving money for the trip to see June's daughter, who moved to Dublin some years ago.

In a statement, Graham said: "June really struggled at night afterwards as she was always getting up to make sure the door was locked.

"We were very upset as we have not seen June's daughter for 19 years."

He added that the couple "should be able to feel safe" in their own home.

Police examined CCTV and saw Ali flee from Rutland Street into a taxi, after which he was arrested on Tuesday, September 21, 2021.

He originally pled not guilty when he was first questioned by police, but changed his plea to guilty when he appeared at court for sentencing.

Ali, of Barkerhouse Road, Nelson, has 19 previous convictions for 30 offences, many of them theft and burglary, with the most recent in 2016, but now works at Boundary Mill in Colne.

James Heyworth, mitigating said Ali is due to marry his fiancé in Pakistan in February next year, and also cares for his aunt, while working 40 hours a week.

In sentencing, Recorder Philip Grundy said: "This was a wicked offence for you to commit.

"You are a man who is not unfamiliar with the court with your previous convictions.

"But I have seen that there are reasons to be positive from the report.

"You have clearly been doing well at your job and you look after a relative which is to your credit, but you should be ashamed of yourself for this crime. 

"It will be a shame on you if the victims do not recieve their money back before Christmas."

Ali received a 16 month sentence, suspended for two years, and was ordered to complete 80 hours of unpaid work, 25 days of rehabiliation group sessions, and to repay the couple the £500 stolen.