Senor councillors have approved a shake up of its licensing regime for older taxis and private hire vehicles in an East Lancs borough.

Hyndburn Council believes the change will in increase the number operating in the borough and improve public safety.

Now all vehicles over the age of 10 years have to be tested three times a year for road worthiness and are only issued with a licence for four months, excluding hybrids.

However if a vehicle over the age of 10 years passes its test the first time on three consecutive occasions it will be issued with a six month licence on the third occasion.

Under the new scheme all vehicles over the age of two years and up to the age of 15 years will be tested twice a year and be issued with a licence for six months at a time.

Once a vehicle reaches the age of 15 years it will revert to three tests a year and be issued with a four months licence.

The changes to Hyndburn Council's Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy approved by its Cabinet meeting in Wednesday also removed the requirement for all of vehicles to carry a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.

The meeting was told the current policy was leading to a shortage of taxi and private hire vehicles in the borough and encouraging drivers to go elsewhere for a licence and working in Hyndburn diminishing the council's that enforcement powers.

A report to the meeting said: "A shortage of licensed vehicles to service the night time economy could have a detrimental effect on public safety.

"It could lead to people having to stand around longer waiting for a taxi or private hire, or taking the risk of walking home very often in a vulnerable state.

"A shortage of licensed vehicles could also lead to rogue unlicensed vehicles picking up customers illegally. Women are particularly vulnerable late at night."