A drug user who was caught in possession of crack cocaine, heroin and £17,000 in cash said he was “looking after the items” to help “pay off a drug debt”.

Ahsan Ali had been wanted by police for a separate incident and on April 1 the police entered his address in Devonshire Road, Burnley, Preston Crown Court heard.

Prosecuting, Peter Barr said: “He was asleep and on the bed was a large sum of money.

“At the bottom of the bed was a phone and a kitchen knife.

“The defendant was detained and when the house was searched police found a red tub containing heroin and a green tub containing crack cocaine.”

Mr Barr said there were nine wraps of heroin weighing 5.26g and nine wraps of crack cocaine weighing 10.21g.

The total amount of cash seized was £17,456.35.

Lancashire Telegraph: Ahsan Ali Ahsan Ali (Image: Lancs Police)

Mr Barr went on: “He was arrested and interviewed and answered no comment.

“He has previous relevant convictions including a period in prison in 2019 for possession with intent to supply and a second period of imprisonment in 2021 for a section 20 matter.”

Mitigating, Anthony Horsfall said his client had pleaded guilty to three charges – possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and possession with intent to supply heroin, as well as possession of criminal property, on the basis that he was a drug user and had a drug debt to pay off.

He told the court: “He regrets his involvement in this offence.

“It’s a sad occurrence with drug users as they often find themselves in considerable debt and at the mercy of those they owe money to.

“He has been on remand for 164 days now and had used his time in prison wisely, training to become a personal trainer and keeping himself out of trouble.”

District Judge Paul Healey said: “The sentence I impose reflects the seriousness of the offences you committed.

“I consider the basis of plea, which hasn’t been challenged, that you accumulated a drug debt and you were pressured to look after the drugs.

“Immediate custody is appropriate. Class A drugs destroy communities and you have prior involvement in this evil trade.”

Ali, 27, was jailed for three years, the drugs ordered to be forfeited and destroyed and the cash confiscated.