Council chiefs in Blackburn with Darwen are set to be asked to rein in revenue costs amid a forecast £1.75m overspend for the first quarter of the financial year.

Executive board members have been told that the worst offenders for the borough are children's services, at £903,000, followed by the environment and operations portfolio, at £803,000.

And the growth and development brief has an overspend of £398,000, according to a report by finance and governance boss Cllr Vicky McGurk.

Councillors have been told there remains a "great deal of uncertainty" around commissioned placements for the children's service section, and how much the health service might contribute to the eventual outcome.

The enforced closure of Pleasington Crematorium, following the serious fire there in June, has also had an impact on income for the environment and operations division, says Cllr McGurk's report.

"If this pressure cannot be contained within the overall portfolio, corporate funding will be requested at a later executive board," she adds.

Another variance, of £294,000, is reported for housing services, as a lack of resources has led to consultants being appointed to establish a new selective licensing area for the borough.

Cllr McGurk also reports that overspends in highways maintenance and commercial investments work has been offset by underspends on business centres, corporate property and halls and entertainment.

The borough's £3.2m savings programme is largely on-track - with the only exception a £150,000 deviation from children's services.

Cllr McGurk adds: "Given the forecast outturn position set out in this report, and should there be no further mitigation during the remainder of the financial year, the council would need to draw an additional £1.748m from its reserves and balances to achieve a balanced budget.

"The extent to which this will be necessary will be subject to regular review as part of the regular budget monitoring reports presented to the executive board."

Councillors will be asked to "identify potential mitigating actions" when the board meets next Thursday.