A man who brutally attacked his partner, leaving her virtually unrecognisable has had his seven year and two-month prison sentence referred under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme.

Violent thug Karl Machin, 43, filmed the attack on his mobile phone at her home in Blackpool on December 4 last year.

Her injuries were so severe that one of the police officers attending the scene thought she had dyed red hair, but it was actually blood.

The woman was left with a broken jaw and a number of lost teeth, concussion, a brain injury which resulted in memory issues, speech impairment, a broken orbital floor in her left eye socket causing her eyelid to not shut properly, water and droop.

She also suffered nerve and tissue damage on her face which affected her smile, two black eyes, bruising to her legs, ribs and back.

The assault also inflicted emotional trauma which she is still working through.

READ MORE: Blackpool man jailed after violent attack on partner

Machin, of Charles Street, Blackpool, admitted Section 18 wounding and was jailed for seven years and two months. He was also given a 10-year restraining order.

Following his conviction, the brave victim asked police to release the picture of her injuries to show the severity of the attack.

Now, Machin’s sentence has been referred to the Attorney General’s Office under the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme.

The Attorney General’s Office will consider his case following a referral from a member of the public.

It will consider if there are grounds to refer the case to the Court of Appeal for being unduly lenient.

If it is referred, judges at the top court in the land may hear the case and then make a judgment; either agreeing it is unduly lenient and extending the sentence, disagreeing and leaving the sentence the same, or they may even refuse to hear the case at all.

Anyone can make a referral to the Attorney General under the ULSS, and numerous people can ask for a case to be reviewed.