A man caused shock and alarm when was seen walking around a Clitheroe leisure complex with a Colt 45 pistol in a holster on his hip.

Blackburn Magistrates’ Court heard a police firearms expert eventually confirmed the weapon had been decommissioned, but not before people enjoying the evening at Holmes Mill had been alarmed to see it being carried around the venue.

Andrew Dewhurst, 49, of Piccadilly Close, Clitheroe, pleaded guilty to possessing an imitation firearm, and has been remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, said the offence was committed on Saturday night when Holmes Mill was very busy.

The mill, on the bank of Mearley Brook in Clitheroe, houses Bowland Brewery and its huge beer hall, along with a food hall, hotel, bar and grill, cinema, and bowling alley.

“The defendant could clearly be seen with a gun in a holster,” said Miss Mills.

“Numerous members of the public were concerned about his behaviour because, clearly, they were not to know the gun had been decommissioned.

“It is a concern that he would carry this round in full view of members of the public potentially causing serious distress and alarm.”

Miss Mills said Dewhurst was spoken to by security and at that point removed the weapon and put it in his rucksack.

She said a police firearms expert confirmed the gun had been decommissioned and was not a replica.

Robin Phoenix, mitigating, said the gun had been decommissioned by having a big lump of metal welded into the barrel.

He said there are a number of people who collect militaria and his client had purchased the Colt 45, quite legally, from a registered dealer.

“This is a matter of naivety and quite bluntly he has been a fool,” said Mr Phoenix.

“He thought because he could buy this item without any regulation he could be out and about with it and show it to his friends.

“I accept that members of the public could be upset if they saw it.”

Mr Phoenix said his client was quite happy for the magistrates to make a forfeiture order and for the weapon to be destroyed.

Dewhurst will be sentenced at a later date.