The Bishop of Blackburn will complete a massive 100km walk to raise money for a South Sudanese diocese as part of this year’s harvest appeal.

The Rt Rev Philip North and Bishop's Chaplain Rev Sam Cheesman will walk all over the county on the weekend of September 15-17 to help the people of Liwolo, a diocese in exile following the civil war in South Sudan.

The people there, who have been described as ‘some of the poorest in the world’ by the UN, are lead by Bishop Joseph Aba, who now visits his displaced people across multiple refugee camps in northern Uganda.

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Rev North and Rev Cheesman are looking to raise around £30,000 – double what they did for the last harvest appeal – for food, water, infrastructure projects, and a vehicle for Bishop Aba so he can see his people more frequently.

On the walk, Rev Cheesman said: “We think we’re going to start in Leck, in the north of the diocese, and then walk down the canal and go out to Poulton, Fleetwood, Blackpool, the come back into Kirkham and out towards the cathedral in Blackburn.

"We think we’ll cover 100km by doing that. It’s achievable but it’s a stretch.

“We’re both a mix of excited and nervous. We are looking forward to it but we understand it will be a challenge.

"We’re going to be really motivated by people and just knowing people are giving to the cause will definitely keep us going.

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“We’d love to be able to put some money towards a vehicle, some money towards crops, and some money towards infrastructure, and we think £30,000 as a total would be a great number to be able to do those things we want to do.”

The pair will start their walk on the evening of Friday, September 15, and aim to finish back at Bishop’s House on Sunday, September 17.

They will aim to go through and pray at as many Deaneries as possible in this time.

If you wish to donate to this year’s harvest appeal, click here.