Users of a council owned swimming complex have expressed their upset and indignation at the shock closure of its pools.

Blackburn's Daisyfield Pools shut its doors on Friday night for what could be the final time, because of 'serious' safety fears.

The complex will not reopen in the immediate future while town hall bosses decide whether they can afford to make the necessary repairs.

Its long-term future is now in doubt and due to be debated by senior councillors on Blackburn with Darwen Council's ruling executive board next month.

Commenting following the announcement, one reader said: “Blackburn with Darwen Council has today made the deplorable decision to close Daisyfield pool indefinitely.

“This leaves every member of staff working there jobless and every child Half Fish teach to swim without lessons.

“BwD own the building but are closing it for health and safety concerns even though, surely, it’s their responsibility to upkeep as they own it. Pools are shutting across the country. It’s honestly shocking and shameful.

“Pools are essential in teaching children to swim.”

Another reader said: “This is an utter disgrace closing down the main swimming school teaching our kids lifesaving skills. Blackburn Council are a disgrace.”

Blackburn Born and Bred wrote: “I was disappointed when the council closed it to the public and handed it over to the private swimming club, as I had just moved nearby and it would have been great for keeping fit as well as maybe meeting someone new.

“Seems like BwD Council can find money for projects like the ring road (which affects the health of people with traffic fumes) and Blakey Moor but not for keeping leisure centres and swimming pools open (which are good for people's health)

“There used to be three public pools in Blackburn - Daisyfield, Blakey Moor pool and Shadsworth. Now there is only the Blackburn pool near the college.”

While Honour Smith wrote: “This is not good enough from BwD council. Thousands of people go here weekly for sessions teaching children vital water safety and swimming skills. Yet the council would rather spend our taxpayers money on pointless projects or funding things like cinemas. BwD sort it out!”

One reader on Facebook commented: "The council are fully to blame! Absolutely disgusting! Not spending any money on it and letting one of the oldest if not the oldest swimming pool in the country go downhill.

"Amazing staff and management did the best they could and more but yet again typical councils letting what could be amazing facilities go to ruin. The council should be ashamed."

Thecouncilruinedthistown wrote: “The clowncil don't want to provide any leisure facilities full stop. they would rather knock these buildings down and sell the land for housing.

“I'd love to know where all the money goes because there is very little leisure facilities for people."

However, pm1960 wrote: “Nonsense. BwD has excellent leisure facilities. Compare BwD with any similar sized towns and you'll find the facilities are some of the best around.

“Despite the funding cuts from central government, the council has been able to keep most leisure facilities going or actually improved them. In addition, there is REFRESH.

“I go swimming at the excellent Darwen Leisure Centre for just £1 - which is tremendous value in a top pool. As do many, many other folk."

The complex in Daisy Lane - which has two separate pools for adults and children - has been run by charitable organisation Half Fish since 2016, running swimming lessons for thousands of children in the town.

The closure decision was taken by Blackburn with Darwen Council's strategic director of environment and operations Martin Eden.

It was sparked by health and safety concerns about pool plant and equipment in the 118-year-old building and he decided it would not be right to continue providing swimming sessions while the building is in such poor condition.

The council has been in discussions with Half Fish about its concerns.